Valentyna Stepova

photo of Valentyna Stepova from:


A Tender Night.

And this disc is like a letter, which gives notice that it will come soon. And it gives this notice exactly in a proper way, since New Year holidays are always light, agreeable, domestic and warm. Made with warmth in the heart - and that's why it gives out warmth.
Domestic price: 334.60UAH, International price: $23.90USD

Motor'rolla. Kol‘orovi sny. (de luxe edition). (Colored Dreams)

Motor'rolla, disregarding obstacles, has managed to make a step ahead in quality – it seems that right now the group has finally found its real sounding, has reached a sort of their own standard. This is important – because, having such a work in one's reserve, it is possible to freely experiment in any direction. Durable foundation – is there.
Domestic price: 250.60UAH, International price: $17.90USD