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Komu Vnyz. 4: Shevchenko. (EP). /digi-pack/.
Komu Vnyz. Shevchenko. (EP) (special offer)
Domestic: 404.60UAH
International: $28.90USD
Artists :   A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [0-9]
Albums:   A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [0-9]
Catalogue -> Variety Art -> Female Singers

Oxana Bilozir. Back to the future...

Reviews (12)
Oxana Bilozir. Back to the future...
Really, it is a sunny album – in the first place, thanks to a good arrangement. It is pleasant that synthesised sound is combined with the live one exactly in that proportion when neither the former, nor the latter beats your ears. Everything is so tender and pleasant as if you woke up in the morning and saw that the clouds which had been in the sky for several days, had disappeared. In general the songs cause light spirits, the spirits of a winner – this album will come in handy to those who have completely lost their hearts, who lack optimism and who cannot look at everyday squabbling with a smile. I will even take a risk to say that at this album Oksana Bilozir does not simply sings, but sings with her soul.

Publisher: NAC

See all albums and songs of the musician(s) on our site:
Oxana Bilozir

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1. Mp3Bat'kivs'ke zhyto
2. Mp3Rozpytaju pro ljubov
3. Mp3Serce
4. Mp3Leleky
5. Mp3Blukala
6.  Laskavo prosymo
7.  Barvysti sny
8.  Nepovtornist'
9.  Klenova balada
10.  Leleky (radiomix)
11.  Leleky (clubmix)
 Total playing time: 46:46

Fragments of the compositions marked with Mp3 mark are available for listening. How to listen?

Reviews (12)

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22 february 2022
The "Return Alive" Foundation
23 november 2020
Exclusive! "Unsubdued ProRock" series – as a present!
Bandura-Players Trio of the Ukrainian Radio. De viter zemlyu holubyt. /premium, digi-pack/. (Where the Wind Cuddles the Land)
the Bandura Players Trio of the Ukrainian Radio
Domestic: 320.60UAH
International: $22.90USD
NAOFI. Melodies Of Ukraine. Ninth CD.
Melodies Of Ukraine. Ninth CD.
Domestic: 250.60UAH
International: $17.90USD
Victor Pavlik. No Promises No Forgiveness. /digi-pack/.
what is liked
Domestic: 222.60UAH
International: $15.90USD
Liutsyna Khvorost. Solodko-hirkyi romans. /digi-pack/. (Bittersweet Romance)
urban romance
Domestic: 250.60UAH
International: $17.90USD